
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Falling Back into the Swing of Things

Now that the kids are getting older, I realize how busy life can get in September. 

We celebrated a 'first' anniversary - remembering the life of my oldest brother.  He made choices we didn't understand.  In September of 2011 he died, on the streets, at the age of 50.  Although I don't miss the nonsense, I do miss him.  I miss my brother.

Our oldest began Kindergarten.  Here, the children attend full-days.  He takes the bus to and from school every day.  He leaves at 7:40am and arrives home at 3:10pm.  He is doing well.  He is already recognizing more letters and is proudly demonstrating math skills he has learned.

Our middle boy began early preschool.  I wish the transition to school had been as easy on him.  I don't know if it's been harder on him, or us (watching him struggle).  We're in touch with the school, the administration, and the teachers.  He's already turned a corner.  We're waiting patiently to see if things improve further; we hope they do.  (Early Intervention) EI continues to work with him on his speech.  One recent, and major, accomplishment has been his willingness to say goodbye to his binky (except at night).  This, in itself, has led to an improvement in speech.  We're hoping for major strides in the next three months because in December he will age-out of EI.

Josiah continues to amaze us!  We finally had his 'six' month pics taken.  He was 10 months at the time, but who's counting.

Josiah continues to receive two EI visits per week.  One from K (his child care specialist); the other from D (his physical specialist).  Every other week, C arrives for OT (occupational therapy).  In the coming months, he will begin receiving speech therapy.  The progress he is making is astonishing (pics below).

Our first Buddy Walk is next week.  We are tremendously excited about it.  I'll be sure to tell you all about it.  We can't wait!!!!

Next month is sure to be a great month.  October!!!!  It's Down Syndrome Awareness Month.  Josiah will also celebrate his first birthday.  Amazing stuff!!!

Finally, for those of you who enjoy pics.  Here are some recent ones (mostly taken during Josiah's EI sessions):

Here, he demonstrates his ability to proudly hold his head high.  His arm extension is wonderful!  Belly time has become fun for Josiah.  Catching him on his belly is actually rare these days as he loves to roll now.  Gates have become his best friend (as they constantly save him from getting into forbidden areas).  It's no longer uncommon for us to turn our back, only to find him on the other side of the room mere moments later.

The task of sitting is an obstacle anxious to be overcome.  Josiah is starting to understand its importance....if only the balance would cooperate.  With a toy carefully propped, he does quite well.  It's only a matter of time before he's sitting independently :)

"Look, Mom!  Only one hand!"  It's a good thing that K is holding on.  Josiah doesn't realize that his ability to fall over is greater than his ability to sit lol :)

This isn't the best pic of Josiah's face but it clearly shows that he is now tolerating weight-bearing on his legs/feet.  This is a huge step!!!  It's very exciting.

Josiah is learning what it feels like to bear weight on his knees.  This kid is such a trooper.  He is manhandled frequently and tolerates it like a champ :)

This was taken yesterday as our family enjoyed a much needed-day-to-ourselves outing.  Fun was had by all.

Updates coming soon: Weight and MD stuff.....

October's goal: Daily blogging..... :)

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